January 2, 2013

  • Griefers or Just Players?

    “Griefer! Troll! Hax0r!”
    What is it with people who verbally attack others that are excelling at something?! If your talent is just plain awesome within the game mechanics, and you aren’t in someone’s face over it, you aren’t a griefer. period.

    Here’s a video that a guy created after going around with a Katana in BLR. He was getting called a “Katana Butt Pirate” for his efforts.

    In Eve, there is a concept called “Miner Bumping.” A whole mafia has developed to knock AFK miners off their mining, in the theory that those AFK aren’t really participating in the game. This group of gangsters requires people in its territory to buy a mining permit and then they will leave them alone.  Repeat offenders get ganked.  It has been officially sanctioned by CCP as appropriate game play, but some people get so offended they actually have taken to hacking the http://www.minerbumping.com/ website and tracking IPs to harrass the members in their real lives. 
    Here’s a video of the miner bumping concept:

    “Just because you are lame, gives you no right to whine or complain.”:)

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